7 New Coronavirus Symptoms

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Published on May 13, 2020 at 7:19:00 PM PDT May 13, 2020 at 7:19:00 PM PDTth, May 13, 2020 at 7:19:00 PM PDT

The range of symptoms associated with COVID-19 are continuously increasing as scientists and healthcare professionals are able to study and learn more about how the illness infects and progresses. Many new studies and cases are introducing a variety of symptoms.

Additional research and first-hand experience from medical professionals have shown that COVID-19 attacks different parts of the body. The CDC states that once a person becomes infected with coronavirus symptoms can appear betweens 2-14 days after initial exposure.

As many people may already know, coronavirus is a respiratory illness causing shortness of breath and a cough and, in severe cases, pneumonia can develop. Initially shortness of breath, a cough and a fever were recognized as the only potential symptoms, however, new symptoms are being recognized everyday as more information is gathered.

Below are 7 New Coronavirus Symptoms:

Red Eyes or Pinkeye

Studies have shown that coronavirus can cause red eyes and pinkeye in patients with severe symptoms. In a study published by JAMA Ophthalmol, doctors found that nearly one third of their hospitalized patients had developed pinkeye. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) states “several reports suggest the virus can cause conjunctivitis and possibly be transmitted by aerosol contact with conjunctiva.”

Dizziness & Headaches

Coronavirus can target the brain and cause dizziness, headaches, impaired consciousness and skeletal-muscle injuries. According to a study, Chinese doctors discovered patients can experience additional neurologic symptoms, including seizures and stroke.

Cardiovascular Illness

According to the Washington Post, healthcare professionals have seen a dramatic rise in the number of cases of myocarditis – an inflammation of the heart muscle – and irregular heart rhythms in coronavirus patients which can lead to cardiac arrest.


Anosmia – the loss of taste and smell – can be an early sign of coronavirus. According to researchers from King’s College London, “one study found that 60 percent of people who tested positive reported losing their senses of smell and taste”.

Blood Clots

According to the New York Post, “coronavirus causes blood thickening and clots in the veins, according to doctors. The clots can break loose and travel to the lungs and brain, potentially causing a deadly condition known as pulmonary embolism.” Doctors are still unsure as to why the COVID-19 virus causes the life threatening blood clots or why the body is unable to break them up.

Gastrointestinal Upset

Many coronavirus patients have complained about digestive upsets such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. According to a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, over fifty percent of infected patients displayed gastrointestinal symptoms.

Kidney Infections

Many hospitalized patients have required dialysis due to kidney damage caused by COVID-19.

The Washington Post reports, “Nearly half of hospitalized patients have blood or protein in the urine, suggesting there is early damage to the kidneys”. C. John Sperati, M.D., M.H.S., an expert in kidney health, states that doctors do not yet know how COVID-19 impacts the kidneys however there are a few possibilities that medical professionals and researchers are exploring.

Although doctors and researchers are beginning to understand the virus better, they are still a long way from developing a vaccine or course of treatment. Medical professionals still say that maintaining social distancing guidelines and self-isolating is the only guaranteed way to prevent yourself from becoming sick.

However, the CDC and WHO recommend using the proper PPE, such as wearing face masks or gloves, and installing a physical virus barrier, like SeparationScreen, when you are required to interact with others.