Exposing 3 Common AED Myths and Misconceptions

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Published on July 28, 2021 at 2:20:00 PM PDT July 28, 2021 at 2:20:00 PM PDTth, July 28, 2021 at 2:20:00 PM PDT

AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator. An AED is a small medical device that is used to restore a regular heart rhythm for people who are having a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) which is often confused for a heart attack. Most cases of SCA occur when the person’s heart starts beating in a rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (V-fib). The heart quivers very fast instead of contracting and relaxing to pump blood through the body. The person will not have a pulse and blood will stop flowing to vital organs, including the brain. Death will occur within a few minutes if the heart does not resume a normal rhythm. An AED can make the difference between life and death for people who have a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Chest compressions can help circulate blood through the body but immediate defibrillation with an AED is needed to prevent Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). 

Myth #1: AEDs Should Only Be Used by Healthcare Professionals.

Certification or authorization are not required to use an AED. CPR classes teach how to use an AED but are not necessary. Modern AEDs are intended to be used by anyone, at any time. Every step of defibrillating a person in Sudden Cardiac Arrest is guided by voice instructions. Rescuers are not required to make a decision about whether or not to shock the person's heart. Once the electrodes are put on the chest, the AED automatically analyzes the cardiac rhythm to decide if defibrillation is required. If a rhythm such as V-fib is recognized, the AED will simply deliver a shock. If no shock is required, the AED will display the message "No Shock Advised" and instruct the user to resume CPR.

AEDs should be placed in all public access locations so that they are easily accessible in the event of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Usually placed in an AED Cabinet. This enables bystanders to reestablish a normal cardiac beat while waiting for EMS. If no healthcare professionals are available to assist, anyone with no medical knowledge can successfully operate an AED.

Myth #2: Can AEDs Shock Someone by Accident?

If a person's heart is beating normally, an AED will not give a shock. These devices have numerous safeguards in place to ensure that shocks are delivered only when necessary. AEDs are intended to keep you from unintentionally shocking yourself or someone else. They examine the person's cardiac rhythm using electrode pads and specialized software. AEDs are quite effective at this and get it right 95-98 percent of the time. Modern AED software is able to outperform emergency personnel in determining when a shock is required. Despite the fact that AEDs have many safety features, they are not toys and should be kept out of the reach of children. In short, No, AEDs will not administer a shock to someone on accident.

Myth #3: When 911 is Called An AED is Not Necessary.

EMS generally cannot respond quickly enough to save a person who is in cardiac arrest. A person who does not have a pulse due to SCA will die within a few minutes if the heart does not resume a normal rhythm. They require immediate defibrillation and they cannot wait for EMS to arrive. EMS response times vary by circumstances and location, but the U.S national average is 10-12 minutes. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes or more for EMS to arrive in rural areas. There is almost no chance of survival in these cases if a person with SCA does not receive immediate CPR and defibrillation from bystanders. Administering an AED immediately saves the SCA victim until professional help can arrive.

Who should buy an AED, And Where Can I Buy an AED?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen to people of any age, anywhere at any time. AEDs are easy-to-use defibrillators and they can make the difference between life and death. You don’t have to be a medical professional to use an AED and prevent Sudden Cardiac Death. With an AED, you or anyone nearby can act quickly to give a defibrillation shock while waiting for EMS to arrive. You can have peace of mind knowing that you have an AED ready to save someone’s life. AED can be purchased online through DiaMedical USA.

AEDs Should Be Located In All Public Access Areas Including:


Health And Fitness Facilities

Stores And Shopping Malls

Swimming Pools



Public Transportation

DiaMedical Is Here To Help You

Medical emergencies are unforeseeable and can be severe. Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen anywhere. SCA cases require CPR and AED. DiaMedical USA is proud to offer a variety of AEDs for all types of organizations and locations. For more information on purchasing AEDs, reach out to a DiaMedical USA expert at 877-593-6011 or info@diamedicalusa.com 

Fast AED Facts

Globally, cardiac arrest claims more lives than colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, influenza, pneumonia, auto accidents, HIV, firearms, and house fires combined.

More than 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen every year in the U.S. - approximately 1,000 people per day

Bystanders started CPR in 40% of cases of SCA but only used and AED in 7% of cases.