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Prioritizing Pediatric Simulation Training in Healthcare Education
Though pediatric simulation scenarios in healthcare education aren’t practiced as heavily as other simulation scenarios, data shows when being treated for life-threatening events, infants and children have higher mortality and morbidity rates (2). This can in part be traced back to the weaknesses that have existed within pediatric emergency care for quite some time. Pediatric care is not simply a scaled down approach to adult care, as it’s specialized and requires a different skill set and expertise. Specific training that teaches physicians to recognize the physiologic and emotional differences in care between infants/children and adults is vital in order to effectively meet the healthcare needs of pediatric patients (1).
Pediatric Resuscitation with the Loaded 9 Drawer Pediatric Crash Cart: Tuesday Teachings - Simulation Innovation
In this week’s Tuesday Teachings episode, we explore a pediatric resuscitation simulation featuring the Loaded 9 Drawer Pediatric Crash Cart by SimLabSolutions. Pediatric mock codes are a great way to improve competence and teamwork in a safe, controlled environment as pediatric code situations warrant higher risk of medication error due to dosage miscalculations. Fortunately, the Loaded 9 Drawer Pediatric Crash Cart contains all of the simulated medications and supplies needed to effectively practice these simulation scenarios. Designed specifically for peds resuscitation training, this cart features color coded drawers organized according to the Broselow system which is the standard for emergency pediatric care.