6 Tricks to a Healthier Halloween

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Published on October 28, 2016 at 2:08:00 PM PDT October 28, 2016 at 2:08:00 PM PDTth, October 28, 2016 at 2:08:00 PM PDT

Halloween can be a difficult time for you and your family to stay healthy. It's the start of the holiday season that tests our resolve for a healthier lifestyle. There's no reason for these habits to disappear until New Year's! Try these tricks for a healthier Halloween:

Eat Before Trick-or-Treating:

Eat a healthy dinner before trick-or-treating, so the kids won't be as likely to snack while going door-to-door. Make sure to hand out only a few pieces of candy to your kids before bedtime to avoid the sugar rush.

Buy Candy on Halloween to Avoid Temptation:

Everyone is guilty of breaking out the Halloween candy before the trick-or-treaters arrive. Avoid the temptation by buying your bulk candy on Halloween day.

Opt for Healthier Treats:

-Fruit leather

-Single-serve almonds, pistachios and other nuts

-Mini boxes of raisins

-Fun-sized candies

-Dry fruit

-100% juice boxes

Try Non-Food Treat Options:

-Small toys

-Temporary tattoos


-Glow sticks


Avoid the Least Healthy Halloween Candies:

  • If you're going to stick with traditional Halloween candies make sure you're avoiding the least healthy choices. Business Insider ranked typical Halloween candies based on sugar, fat, calories and protein. While these options certainly aren't healthy the top three most healthy candies were Reese's Pumpkins, Take5 and Smarties. Sweettarts Chews, 3 Musketeers and Reese's Miniatures ranked as the least healthy candies. Although, it is important to note that large serving sizes had a lot to do with these rankings.

Bake Healthier Treats for your Halloween Party:

  • While deviating from packaged candies won't go over well with Trick-or-Treaters, you can easily bake your own snacks for your Halloween party. There are plenty of healthy Halloween recipes, from Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls to the Weeping Woman Martini, that will go over much better with your guests than a bowl of Halloween candies.