Teaching Best Practices for Injection Safety

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Published on July 25, 2023 at 9:11:53 AM PDT July 25, 2023 at 9:11:53 AM PDTth, July 25, 2023 at 9:11:53 AM PDT

Safe injection practices are a vital part of ensuring the safety of both healthcare providers and patients in regards to the prevention of needlestick injuries and transmissible diseases. Best practices for injections are part of Standard Precautions and a vital lesson to teach in healthcare training programs. Teaching students best practices can help prepare them for real clinical settings and minimize the risk of needlestick injuries leading to blood borne infections, especially hepatitis C. Continue reading below to learn more about safety needles and injection trainers and the role they play to protect providers from this dangerous blood-borne infection.

Safety Needles Role in Needlestick Injury Prevention 

Now available for all types of injection, infusion and venipuncture procedures, safety needles have advanced designs to help protect healthcare workers from needlestick injuries and exposure to HIV, hepatitis B and C. Typically, either a hard plastic sheath covers the needle after it is used or the needle retracts back into the syringe. BD SafetyGlide Hypodermic Needles feature BD Activation-Assist™ technology, making a safe injection easier and more efficient. The technology is geared to deliver versatility and minimal change in technique. The needle-tip shielding Activation-Assist™ technology is incorporated on the needle, and not on the syringe in order to ensure maximum protection from needlestick injuries. In addition to these active safety mechanisms, passive safety mechanisms engage automatically without having to be activated by the provider. For instance, the needles in Dynarex Pressure Activated Safety Lancets automatically retract once the skin is pierced. Similarly, B. Braun Introcan Safety IV Catheters have a passive safety shield design that covers the needle as it is withdrawn from the catheter. 

Injection Trainers for Your Healthcare Education Programs 

DiaMedical offers a variety of injection trainers guaranteed to help students learn how to safely and effectively inject medication. The Demo Dose® Inject-Ed Injection Trainer is available in multiple skin tones and can be used repeatedly to master intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. Inject-Ed is also available as an XL Trainer, offering a sizable 8” diameter. These durable trainers with life-like skin surfaces and air-injection compatibility are an ideal addition to simulation labs to help students master safe injection techniques. 

Final Thoughts 

With proper training, students can enter the healthcare field with confidence in their injection skills. DiaMedical is prepared to help educators provide students with the practice they need to master these core competencies. For more information on safety needles, injection trainers or other simulation equipment, reach out to a DiaMedical expert at info@diamedicalusa.com