What Type of Medications Are Used With Infusion Pumps?

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Published on April 23, 2021 at 6:46:00 PM PDT April 23, 2021 at 6:46:00 PM PDTrd, April 23, 2021 at 6:46:00 PM PDT

IV Pumps have become one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment in any hospital or surgical center. It’s important that providers are trained on how to administer different types of IV medications and the recommended infusion pumps for drug delivery. Throughout this post our DiaMedical USA nurse educator will highlight different types of IV infused medications and how they should be safely administered.


Medication to Control Blood Pressure & Heart Rate

Medications that control blood pressure and heart rate are always infused through an IV pump in a hospital setting. These medications are often given to patients in the ICU, and dosage calculations are of the utmost importance. Lidocaine is typically used to keep the heart beating in a regular rhythm whereas Dopamine is used to raise the heart rate and blood pressure for patients in shock. DiaMedical USA recommends the usage of BBraun Infusomat Space Pumps or Alaris Medley IV Pumps when infusing medication to help control patient blood pressure and heart rate. 

Pain Medications & Sedatives

IV pain medication and sedatives can be the most dangerous drugs to administer to patients. If infused too quickly medications can cause patients to stop breathing, and if administered too slowly patients may experience severe pain. PCA pumps are a great option for patients post surgery to self-administer pain medicine. Patients can push a button to receive a small dose of medication without having to ask their nurse. All PCA pumps have lockable programs that ensure patients receive the right dose safely, and cannot over medicate. DiaMedical USA recommends the BBraun Perfusor Space PCA Pump or an Alaris PCA pump.

Insulin & Heparin

When patients are admitted to the ER with dangerously high blood sugar they typically receive Insulin infusions. In order for blood sugar levels to drop back to normal levels short acting IV insulin can be administered at a very slow rate. 

In cases where patients are admitted to the ER with DVT’s physicians will immediately begin infusing IV Heparin. This type of medication is very effective in treating blood clots but must be administered very carefully. If Heparin is infused too quickly the patient will start bleeding however, if ran too slowly blood clots will continue to form. It’s also very important to keep in mind that blood tests to check clotting times need to be done every few hours so that infusion rates can be adjusted. 


Patients who are unable to eat or drink will need to receive their nutrition through an IV. This is called Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), TPN must always have an infusion pump because the IV solution contains very concentrated amounts of vitamins and nutrients.


Blood Transfusions

Transfusions are needed to replace blood that is lost through surgery or injury. Trauma patients often require infusions of blood either very slowly or very rapidly. It’s important that healthcare providers carefully monitor for side effects of blood transfusions and make adjustments accordingly. Infusion Pumps can also be used to give specific types of blood products, Platelets are often used to help clotting after a severe injury. Patients can also receive plasma infusions, plasma infusions are typically performed if the patient requires specific antibodies or blood proteins. 


Working & Training With Infusion Pumps

Infusion Pumps are one of the most popular pieces of equipment in a variety of healthcare sectors, however, they still remain one of the most complex. Incorrect decisions can lead to dangerous if not lethal side effects. As healthcare providers it’s important to understand how certain medications are infused and at what rate. DiaMedical USA offers a variety of Infusion pumps by leading manufacturers for both training and clinical use. It’s our mission at DiaMedical USA to provide both educators and learners with all the tools to improve the quality of healthcare. To view all of our available infusion pumps you can click here or call 248-855-3966 to request ad