Simulation Code Medication

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Published on February 16, 2022 at 2:44:00 PM PST February 16, 2022 at 2:44:00 PM PSTth, February 16, 2022 at 2:44:00 PM PST

SimRx Code Meds Cheat Sheet

Every second counts during medical emergencies and patient resuscitations, which is why school training is so critical. Students must be able to quickly identify medications and administer them correctly before entering real life situations. Loaded Emergency Crash Carts with SimRx simulated code meds are essential for both pediatric and adult resuscitation training. Here is a quick overview of the code meds that are used to treat irregular heart rhythms and cardiopulmonary arrest:


Cardiac Arrest

Epinephrine - Light brown box

  • First drug given in all causes of cardiac arrest
  • Shunts blood to the brain and heart, stimulates cardiac muscle
  • Can be given via endotracheal tube if no IO/IV access
  • Give 1 mg rapid IV push every 3 to 5 minutes
  • Follow each dose with 20 mL saline flush & elevate patient’s arm

Lidocaine - Pink box

  • Treats specific cardiac arrhythmias including VT and VF
  • Can be given via endotracheal tube if no IO/IV access
  • Dose is always based on patient’s weight
  • Initial dose: 1 to 1.5 mg/kg IV over 2 to 3 minutes
  • Repeat dose 5 to10 minutes later: 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV 
  • Maximum dose: 3 mg/kg

Calcium Chloride - Light yellow box

  • Stabilizes cardiac muscle to treat arrhythmias
  • Administer into large vein to avoid tissue necrosis
  • Give 5 to 10 ml (0.5-1 gm) IV over 2 to 5 minutes


Supra-ventricular Tachycardia

Adenosine 6 mg - Yellow and white box

  • Used to chemically cardiovert PSVT
  • Push IV adenosine as quickly as possible
  • Immediately follow with 20 mL saline bolus
  • Elevate the patient’s arm after administration

Adenosine 12 mg - Red and white box

  • Given if 6 mg dose does not restore rhythm
  • Increases heart rate - used to treat bradycardia
  • Maximum total dose = 30 mg


Symptomatic Bradycardia


  • Blocks the vagus nerve & speeds conduction through the heart
  • Give 0.5 to 1 mg IV every 3 to 5 minutes as needed
  • Maximum total dose = 3 mg


Respiratory Arrest - Opioid Toxicity


  • Partially or completely reverses effects of opioids
  • Give 0.4 to 2 mg IV or intra-nasally
  • Repeat every 2 to 3 minutes as needed
  • Maximum total dose = 10 mg


Acute Hypoglycemia

50% Dextrose 

  • Rapidly raises blood glucose to reverse hypoglycemia
  • Never give by IM or SubQ injection
  • For Adult use only - use 10% solution for children
  • Give via slow IV injection over 3 to 5 minutes
  • Administer into large vein to avoid tissue necrosis


SimRx meds are ideal for mock code training

Unlike expired meds, SimRx simulated code meds are clearly labeled for training purposes only and not for use with humans or animals. This warning appears on the syringes as well as the outer packaging. All SimRx code meds have needle-free Luer connections along with accurate dosing information and 2D barcode scanning capabilities. They are filled with distilled water that eliminates the risk of damaging tubing in manikins and skills trainers. SimRx code meds can be purchased in convenient 6-packs and 9-packs for stocking crash carts. SimRx simulated 10 mL saline flush syringes are also available for rapid IV administration of code meds.  


Final thoughts

Simulated medications are an essential component of mock code training. They allow students to practice dosage calculations as well as correct administration during emergency situations. SimRx code meds are ideally designed for simulations with distilled water, 2D barcodes and Luer tips. The clear labels ensure that they will not accidentally be administered to patients. The DiaMedical USA team is ready to help nursing programs balance cost and functionality in order to find the right teaching tools to meet the learning needs of their students. SimRx code meds and IV fluids, SimScreens, audio-visual solutions and more are available to provide complete training solutions. For more information, reach out to a DiaMedical USA expert at 877-593-6011 or