The Increasing Demand For Paramedics

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Published on August 24, 2022 at 5:15:07 PM PDT August 24, 2022 at 5:15:07 PM PDTth, August 24, 2022 at 5:15:07 PM PDT

An increasing demand for Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians has left the nation in a major employment shortage. This increasing demand has led to thousands of job openings and a limited number of recently graduated students to fill them. An astonishing 15% increase in jobs is expected over the next 7 years, according to the Bureau Of Labor & Statistics, and by 2026 there will be an estimated 37,000 more jobs for EMTs and Paramedics than there were in 2016.

So wherein lies the problem? EMT and Paramedic Education can simply not keep up with the increasing demand for new employees. With what seems to be a never-ending demand for new employees some schools are actually shortening their programs. Paramedic courses in some schools are being expedited upwards of three months, to ensure students enter the workforce as quickly as possible. It’s imperative that instructors still provide students with all the information needed to save a life in any situation. That’s where simulation comes into play.

Instructors in the Indiana area have explained that the public finds a lot of value in what a paramedic can do. It’s important for residents to know that although their training is now expedited, the use of simulation has led to immediate success upon entering the workforce.

In Indianapolis, training centers like St. Vincent’s Simulation Center have been creating simulation scenarios for “everything from birth to death”. Director of Simulation, Bruce Williams, explains that simulation is more than just an educational exercise; “The ability for a student to have an experience, to learn in a group and to learn from one another is much different than the traditional classroom that we’ve fallen into.” Advanced simulation equipment, like the SimRig™Classroom Ambulance Trainer takes group learning to a new level, as this classroom ambulance allows for a great learning experience for both the student running the simulation, as well as the students observing. Simulation Ambulances like the SimRig™ are built to precisely mimic a real ambulance, allowing students to train in the confined spaces they will work in upon graduation.

Through the use of mid and high fidelity manikins, practi-medication, simulated loaded jump packs, and simulated ambulance trainers, students can work through hundreds of varying simulations throughout their schooling. As simulation technology is beginning to progress simulation centers and schools are finding new ways to simulate the entire call process in one location.

Have questions on the SimRig™ Ambulance Trainer or other simulation equipment? Give us a call at 877-593-6011, DiaMedical USA offers a variety of products and kits for any budget. Provide your students with the most in depth and realistic simulation possible, start a quote today!